
& Job-market

JUMP Job-University Matching Project

JUMP is the interdisciplinary training program that Rui Foundation offers to all its residents and other students in Rome, Milan, Bologna, Trieste, Genoa.

It helps students complete their university curriculum and develop soft skills, aligning the university present with the professional future.

It is a path that integrates academic knowledge with the contents and the dynamics of the professional world. It utilizes concrete case studies and presents the opportunity for students to meet high-profile professionals in an intensive learning environment, creating a thorough understanding of professional experiences.

JUMP enjoys the patronage of Politecnico di Milano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Campus Bio-Medico.These two universities recognize CFU to students for attending courses.

To learn more visit the website.

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Soft skills

Soft skills are interpersonale attribuite you need to succede in the workplace. The development of these skills, related to the personal sphere, is closely related to the ability to address and manage complex situations, which arise in everyday social and professional life.

JUMP project, through case studies, work groups and guided discussions helps you to improve the soft skills necessary to build relationships, to communicate effectivly and to develop leadership skills.

Thematic Courses

Specific courses within the JUMP program go into practical depth, especially in business and juridical programs, and are innovative and effective in a specific field of study, enabling students to project their future careers while they are still at the heart of their university path.

The method involves working on a team, and under the guidance of high-profile professionals, to resolve practical cases.

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Interdisciplinary Education

To be a good professional, it is important to gain well-rounded training. Technical skills alone are not enought. For this reason, JUMP provides an agile and transverse study path between ethics, anthropology and major political and economic current events, with a practical approach to cases and participation in lessons. This training is a useful supplement to the student’s academic and professional profile.


A personalized professional orientation is an essential and distinctive part of JUMP: the coaching approach is directed toward the individual student, the intention is to identify and plan the student’s personal and professional calling.

The coach, often a member of management, helps the student analyze their own potential to orientate themselves in the university world and discover their human and professional talents. The coach initially works with the student to set up study methods, and then introduces the dynamics of the professional world, supporting the student in the development of soft skills.

University and labour market: our program connects them for you in Milan | Viscontea Residenza Universitaria a Milano, Statale Cattolica Bocconi Politecnico